The reason the information in this site is of the most urgent concern, is because it will point to the direct source and cause of EVERY problem in the world. The very root of every problem that has ever happened, is happening, and everything you can imagine as a problem.
Everything you think is real and has value, is an illusion designed very cleverly to trick you. It deceives you into thinking that you (as a magnificent human being) must earn your right to be living (on this incredible planet) in this mystery we call life. Nothing on this site is trying to convince you of anything and we hope you do NOT take our word for any of this posted. Prove it for yourself. All it takes is a little investigation, phone calls, and questioning.
Truth is very simple, the conduct in how the world is being conducted is what forces the attention away from truth.
Many people coming to this site are likely going to close it out and stop reading based on what they find because it sounds like conspiracy thinking. I only ask that you keep an open-mind and hear all the information first. The future of humanity does depend on it.
11-11 News is about Awakening the Masses to everything corrupt.